/ / / / The Lady in Haj and Umrah | Pocket (PB)

The Lady in Haj and Umrah | Pocket (PB)

by Maulana M. S. Banoo Nadwi


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The Lady in Haj and Umrah is specially directed at ladies who go for Haj and Umrah. Many or rather most women set out for this important journey with little or no guidance whatsoever especially on the religious side. Life and society in Makkah and Madinah is totally different to lifestyles in other countries especially the western dominated cultures. The need is to adapt to that way rather than impose or practice our ways and habits, of which many are contrary to the spirit of Deen.


Product Code: II251X
Weight: 0.15kg
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Idara Impex
Publication Date: 2023
No. of Pages: 80
Dimensions: 12 x 9 cm
Language: English
ISBN: 819577251X