/ / / / Key to Salvation

Key to Salvation

Collection of the Prayers from Quran and Ahadith
by: Abdur Rehman Shad


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The Holy Prophet (SaW) has laid great emphasis on imploring and beseeching Allah with sincerity, zeal and fervour in hours of distress as well as in prosperity. It is the real essence of Divine service of supplication to the Allah. The prayer is an effective measure to prevent any impending calamity.

“Key to Salvation” has been compiled by Abdur Rehman Shad with the idea to present the collection of utmost supplications concerning spiritual as well as temporal and to provide information about Qur’anic prayers, opportune moments of invocation, on different occasions. The book is with English transliteration, comprehensive praise-worthy and helpful for the brethren not knowing the Arabic language.