/ / / غم نہ کریں (Don’t Be Sad – Urdu) | Hardbound

غم نہ کریں (Don’t Be Sad – Urdu) | Hardbound

by: Dr. ‘Aid al-Qarni


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غم نہ کریں is an Urdu translation of the bestselling book “Don’t Be Sad” by Dr. Aid ibn Abdullah al-Qarni.
This bestseller provides practical advice on the Islamic manner of dealing with grief, depression, sadness, and disappointments. Full of inspiring anecdotes from the lives of prophets, scholars, and other people, and their victory over life’s turmoil and tests, this authentic Islamic book urges readers to adopt a positive outlook on life.It is full of practical advice on how to replace sadness and disappointment with a pragmatic and satisfying Islamic outlook on life.

This is the Indian printed version.